You’ll need a set of credentials to connect Snyk. The following steps will guide you through the process. In the end you'll have an API Key needed for integration.

Step 1. Licensing: To use the Snyk integration with Fletch you will need to have one of the paid Snyk licenses that support the Snyk API. Please reference this page to confirm you have the correct license which of this writing would require a Business or an Enterprise plan.

Step 2. To allow Fletch to retrieve Snyk API, please either create a new user account in Snyk or reuse the existing account. Your account needs to be assigned to the Snyk Org you’re monitoring and have either an Org Collaborator, Org Admin or Group Admin role.

Step 3. Login to the with the user account you’re going to use for Fletch integration.

Step 4. Ensure that the correct Org is selected in the dropdown bar as shown on the screenshot in Step 2.

Step 5. Click on the user account icon in the top right corner and select Account Settings

Step 6. Under Account Setting → API Token → KEY click on “click to show” for your API key or if it's not available click the “Revoke & Regenerate” button. Copy the key to a safe place.

Step 7. Click the Setting gear icon in the top right corner and on the resulting page copy your Organization ID to a safe place.


You added all permissions needed.

Make sure you have the API Key and Organization ID you saved in Steps 6 and 7 available for the next step in Fletch.

Please Note: To onboard multiple orgs from Snyk, please repeat the above steps for each Org ID ensuring that the user API key has appropriate access: you may use different users and their API keys for each separate Org ID as needed. Simply click "Connect More" and add each API Key and Organization ID into Fletch.