
The Base URL referenced below is the domain you use to access your SentinelOne instance.

For example:

System Prerequisites

  1. SentinelOne Singularity ControlSingularity Complete, or higher license.Refer to this page for more information about the SentinelOne Platform Packages.
  2. Vulnerability and Application scanning enabled.For more information on how to enable Vulnerability and Application Scanning in your SentinelOne instance, please visit the corresponding Enable Scanning in the Scan Policy documentation page at <Base URL>/docs/en/how-to-enable-and-run-application-vulnerability-scans.html#how-to-enable-and-run-application-vulnerability-scans, replacing the <Base URL> with your own.

Information needed

You’ll need a set of credentials to connect to SentinelOne.

The following steps will guide you through the process. In the end you'll have the following to enter into Fletch:

  1. API Token
  2. Base URL

Create the Service user

Step 1. Log into your SentinelOne management dashboard.

Step 2. In the left side expanding panel click Settings.

Step 3. On the Setting page click the USERS tab and then Service Users in the left panel selection.

Step 4. Click Actions button and select Create New Service User.