
In order to connect the Rapid7 InsightVM product to Fletch, you will need to perform the following steps:

1. Create (recommended) or use an existing Platform Admin user account and login to the Rapid7 cloud console.

  1. Create a new API key using the newly created Platform Admin user account.

3. Add the API key to Fletch.

Please note that Fletch only needs read-only access to the Rapid7 API but in order to access the required InsightVM APIs, Rapid7 requires the user to be a Platform Admin.

We recommend following this guide to create a Platform Admin user account with a Read Only Product Role for Fletch. However, you may choose to use an existing Platform Admin account or an Organization API Key (less secure).

Create a Platform Admin user account with a Read Only Product Role

Step 1. Login to the Rapid7 cloud console at https://insight.rapid7.com/ with a full Platform Admin user account.

Step 2. On the right hand side of the top bar click the settings icon then click 'Users' in the dropdown menu.


Step 3. On the User Management page click 'Add User'.


Step 4. Fill out 'User Details': make sure to use a valid email address or alias the user can receive email through to activate the new account and click 'Next'.


Step 5. On the 'Role Management' tab toggle the Platform Admin to ON (green), select Read Only under 'Product Roles' and click 'Next'.


Step 6. On the 'Product Assignment' tab select 'insightVM' and click on 'Submit'.


Step 7. If the user is successfully created you should see it on the 'User Management' page with 'Pending Activation' status.