
We will walk you through creating a read-only JSON key with the appropriate permissions needed to bring Google Workspace data into this Fletch solution.

Google Workspace data can be accessed by delegating a Google service account access to specific API scopes in the GSuite Admin console: you will need Google Workspace Admin access and the ability to create Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects.

Creating this key involves three steps:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Platform Project with access to the Admin SDK API
  2. Create the Google Cloud Platform Service Account
  3. Create the credentials for the Google Cloud Platform Service Account
  4. Enable domain-wide delegation in the Google Admin Console

Create a Google Cloud Platform Project with access to the Admin SDK API

You need to either enable the Google Workspace Admin SDK API in an existing project or to create a new project and enable the Admin API for it: we recommend creating a new project to keep Google Workspace domain-wide delegation separate from existing projects.

Step 1. Log into Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and click the down arrow next to the current project name in the top bar.

If you are logging in for the first time, you might need to first set up your country of residence and agree to terms. After you do that close your window, and log into the setup tool again.

Step 2. Click New Project.

Step 3. Enter Project name, select your Billing account and click Create

Step 4. Once the project is created, switch to it using the dropdown arrow next to your current project name.